Our Cabins




Meiga Cabin

Home to a special fairy named Meiga. With her magic wand, Meiga awakens the power of the heart and protects the forest animals. Con su varita mágica, Meiga despierta el poder del corazón y protege a los animales del bosque.

$3,999 per day

Flora Red Cabin

The Flora Cabin is a sanctuary where the magic of nature intertwines with modern comfort, creating a special connection with the surroundings.

$1,999 per day

Rosseta Cabin

The Rosseta Cabin is a romantic retreat where the magic of twilight embraces every night abraza cada noche.

$2,999 per day

Zarina Cabin

Chosen as a haven, the Zarina Cabin promises eternal charm. Stepping inside is immersing oneself in a fairy tale where magic and elegance intertwine, creating memories that linger in the hearts of those privileged to visit this magical enclave.

$799 per day


Cirdan Apartment

Guests entering the Cirdan Apartment encounter an atmosphere of serenity and mystery, where the magic of the forest intertwines with homely comfort. This apartment is perfect for those seeking peace and a connection with nature in its purest form."

$3,999 per day

Finrod Apartment

Here, guests can immerse themselves in the magic of melody and rhythm. This apartment is a tribute to joy and creativity, providing a space where the magic of music resonates in every corner.

$1,999 per day

Brynn Apartment: Home in the Heights

Choosing the Brynn Apartment is immersing yourself in a magical tale, where the small hill becomes a home filled with love for the elevated and pure. 

$699 per day

Eru Apartment

Here, guests can feel the protective and magical presence that permeates the atmosphere. This apartment is a sanctuary where the magic of spiritual connection with nature is experienced to its fullest expression.

$1,299 per day

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